The school began as Peggé Lee School of Dance in the fall of 1946, under the direction of Peggé Lee Haywood. It was located in downtown Concord and moved to the basement of her home on Glendale Avenue. In 1970, the school moved to the basement of Haywood Richmond Hardware on Davidson Drive. "Miss Peggé" directed the school for three generations and sold the school when she retired in 1986 to Tammy Jordan. "Miss Tammy" was a former student and faculty member of the school. She took a giant leap of faith in 2007, moving into a new facility and changing the name of the school - a marketing strategy that has taken the school to new heights! The fifth generation of dancers enrolled in the school in the fall of 2020! We are proud to be the oldest operating dance studio in Concord, North Carolina, and proud of our reputation for providing quality traditional dance classes to children for five generations!
Cabarrus Dance Academy exists to serve God and the community. The school is committed to providing high-quality dance classes to enhance the overall development of the child. We provide a safe and child-centered environment to encourage our students to explore dance with qualified, nurturing teachers.
We believe that dance training encourages young people to develop a positive self-image as they increase awareness of their physical being. Along with improving coordination skills and developing muscular awareness, dance classes give children the freedom to express themselves through movement.
The highest educational standards are expected from all Cabarrus Dance Academy faculty members. They are lifelong learners who continue to educate themselves through certification programs, teacher-training schools, conferences, and other learning opportunities.
Cabarrus Dance Academy |
2810 Poplar Tent Road, Suite 100, Concord, North Carolina 28027
Office: 704-782-1915 | Dance Shoppe: 704-782-1919
Copyright © 2022 Cabarrus Dance Academy - All Rights Reserved. Design by The KM Creative.
Out of an abundance of caution, we are cancelling our 1/21 classes that begin at 6:15 and later, and 1/22 morning classes. A decision regarding 1/22 evening classes will be made by 1pm.